The actual contents for the Titanium Club (Limited Edition Backer) included several physical and electronic (PDF) versions of the products. Electronically, there was the PDF version of the eponymous title, as well as the reworked Sourcebook 1 (updated version), Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids, Sourcebook: Shemarian Nation, and applicable parts drawn from Rifts Aftermath. The electronic versions of the Savage Worlds conversion and an introductory adventure/mission were added on at the close of the campaign. This quick post will discuss the physical copies of the campaign's two books, as well as the card deck (superb quality) and art prints that I have no doubt will look fantastic next to the other artwork I have in my home office.

Shipping and Handling. It should be no surprise at this point regarding the campaign’s international shipping oddities. I’ve covered it in the previous post, The Bazaar #47: Titan Robotics Kickstarter Campaign (Uh-oh, Canada!), and is pretty much being addressed by Palladium Books and their third party shipping partners. I’ve expressed my position on this unexpected scenario and have no issues with the proposed way forward. I also experienced a quirk in the Backerkit, whereby the additional books I ordered ended up being a second and discrete order. Ho-hum and phooey on me for not getting it corrected.
Unboxing the Additional Order. Looking to try and grab some additional books for the library with some discounted shipping, I also ordered another five books. These were simply physical copies, instead of the PDFs I previously purchased. The following came in that second box (links to Scholar's Review posts):
World Book 34: Northern Gun 2 (review forthcoming)
World Book 36: Sovietski (review forthcoming)
Unboxing the Campaign Order (Physical Products). Opening the packages revealed the standard Palladium Books double-boxing (a box within a box) that adds a superb amount of stability and rigidity to the overall packaging. Once we’ve gained access to the inner box, we get to the good stuff:
Product Sheet. We find ourselves staring at the ubiquitous and apparently “mandatory” Palladium Books inventory sheet. Despite some complaint about the inclusion of these sheets, I find them almost comical now, but I’ve ordered numerous products and Christmas Grab Bags. For new customers, they make for a great little tool to view the entirety of the Palladium Books gaming library.

Art Prints. You get three of the iconic original cover images from Sourcebook 1 and Sourcebook 2: Mechanoids (Kevin Long), as well as the alternate cover for Sourcebook 1 (Scott Johnson). Additionally, we have the cover to Sourcebook 5: Shemarian Nation (Apollo Okamura) and the eponymous Sourcebook: Titan Robotics (Mike Majectic). As advertised, these are in 8.5 x 11 inch prints and will be taking their place among the other Rifts art prints I have on my mancave/basement office wall.
Playing Cards. Some premium quality playing cards. I’ve taken several pictures of the various suits and their face cards. All turned out very nicely; no off-cuts or fading issues some unfortunately experienced. They are crisp, with a great finish that would support easy shuffling, if you were so inclined.

Titan Robotics. Now we get to the real meat on the bone, so to speak. This will garner its own post, as I do a full run-down of the contents in a Scholar’s Review article along with all the other books reviewed. Having said that, the hardcover is the gorgeous black, with a rich foil gold. Makes for a great addition to the library.
CyberWorks Collection. A collection of several books I have previously reviewed and some I haven’t gotten to yet. This is yet another book I will be doing a full run-down of in a Scholar’s Review article. As with Titan Robotics, the cover for the limited edition foil is really sharp. The Kevin Long artwork really pops in the gold on black.
As far as an unboxing goes, I am a happy camper. The whole efficiency versus efficient argument is a person choice. I know several folks waited for the end of Kickstarter and ordered Titan Robotics, receiving their products before mine. This neither affected nor bothered me. I found the timeframe for my shipping a little odd, wracking up some significant mileage before hitting my shelf. Looking back at the investment into the Kickstarter, the products received, and more importantly the service and attention from Palladium Books, makes giving this an easy thumbs-up. The result is a great series of additions to the library, and I can’t wait to get the read-through and reviews done.
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